18th WCBIP Hiroshima Satellite (April 17, 2014)

Hiroshima and Fukushima
Doctors’ Perspective

18th WCBIP Hiroshima Satellite Symposium

Date & time: 10:00 AM (tentative) Thursday, April 17, 2014

Venue: Room HIMAWARI, International Conference Center, Hiroshima —

Registration: This satellite program will be open and free of charge to citizens of Hirohima and to attendees of the Kyoto congress. Registration will be available from March and at the congress venue in Kyoto.

Notes: Simultaneous interpretation will be provided as lectures will be originally in Japanese.

Program (times to be determined)

1) Prolonged Low-dose Radiation Exposure Effects on Health 
Speaker: Ensue Matsui (Zazendo Clinic, Gifu )

2) Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Point of View
Speaker: Osamu Saito (Watari Hospital, Fukushima)

3) Junod, A Swiss doctor from Geneva who helped Hiroshima
A full-length animated film

4) The History of Dr. Marcel Junod in the Aftermath of the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima
Speakers: Shizuko Tsuya (NPO MOCT, Hiroshima)


日時  2014年4月17日(木)  午前中
会場 広島国際会議場 国際会議ホール「ヒマワリ」
〒730-0811 広島県広島市中区中島町1−5
テーマ  「医師からみた広島、そして福島」
Hiroshima and Fukushima: The doctors’ perspective 4. プログラム(予定)

松井 英介 (座禅洞診療所, 岐阜)
Prolonged Low-dose Radiation Exposure Effects on Health Speaker: Eisuke Matsui

■「物理学、医学、そして法 - 半世紀をこえて、原爆被爆者が見つづけてきたもの -」
斎藤 紀 (医療生協わたり病院、福島)
Atomic Bomb Surviver’s Point of View
Speaker: Osamu Saito

アニメ・ジュノー 上映

津谷 静子(アニメ・ジュノー制作委員会・NPOモースト理事長、広島)
The History of Dr.Marcel Junod in the Aftermath of the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima
Speakers: Shizuko Tsuya NPO MOCT

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