WABIP Newsletter (Vol. 9, Issue 2) Now Available

We are pleased to present to you the latest WABIP Newsletter. Follow an image or link below to start!

The Role of Liquid Biopsy in the Management of Non-small Cell Carcinoma
(Editorial) Lung cancer is the second most common cancer type with an estimated 228,000 new cases and 135,700 death annually representing nearly 13% of all cancer diagnoses and 22% of all cancer death in the United States1. Strategies to reduce lung cancer death include prevention by eliminating risk factors (i.e. reduce smoking and …

Cone beam CT Applications for Bronchoscopy
(Tech Corner) Cone beam CT imaging is a relatively new modality in interventional pulmonology, but is a frequently used technology supporting interventional radiology and/or cardiovascular …

Indwelling Catheters and Pleurodesis for Managing Recurrent Malignant Pleural Effusion
(Tips from the Experts) More than 50% of patients with malignant pleural effusion (MPE) reaccumulate fluid after the initial drainage, with up to 30% of patients developing rapid re-accumulation …

Ethical Issues of Immunity Passports
Since the beginning of the pandemic, strict lockdown measures have been imposed in most of the countries in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing, home working, only …

Best Image Contest 2021 (2 of 3)
(A) Organized blood clot in the RLL, (B) Cryo-extraction of the clot. Image submitted by Syeda Samia Rasheed M.D


Watch online ‘Maximising Yield for Molecular Analysis at EBUS TBNA’; Listing of upcoming events endorsed by the WABIP …

“When in Doubt-Cut it Out” May Not Be the Best Strategy Anymore
With the implementation of lung cancer screening, albeit fragmented, the numbers of pulmonary nodules discovered have increased exponentially in the United States and the rest of the world. …

And much more! Read the entire issue in PDF format:

A true online publication that can be accessed across multiple devices including tablets and smart phones, the WABIP Newsletter strives to bring you the latest on bronchology and interventional pulmonary clinical practice, research, and education.

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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Ebisu Prime Square 1F MBE 501
1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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