WCBIP Virtual – 2 Weeks To Go, Final Program Now Online!

We are excited to announce that: 1) already 4,750 participants have registered for this WCBIP event, and 2) we have finalized our program, which includes:

  • CT screening for lung cancer in 2020
  • Rapid on-site evaluation and cytopathology for bronchoscopy-guided biopsy
  • Treatment for solitary pulmonary nodules
  • Ultrathin bronchoscopes using TBNA
  • Cone beam CT: a new perspective for diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodules
  • Bronchoscopies and Tracheostomies on COVID-19 Patients
  • Interventional Pulmology During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • The Operation Guidelines for Interventional Pulmonology During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Review the final program at:



Take advantage of reduced registration fees of $49 for WABIP members, and $69 for non-WABIP members. WABIP members: request your  membership certificate at https://www.wabip.com/forms/certificate, then upload the certificate upon registering at:


Further details of the program, format, faculty and more at

We forward to your participation in our WCBIP Virtual this November. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.


The 21st WCBIP will be held virtually on November 19-22, 2020. This congress is hosted by the WABIP, and is co-organized by the Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Thoracic Society.

Guangfa Wang, M.D., PhD
President of the 21st WCBIP
Professor and Chairman
Dept of Respiratory and Critical Care Med
Peking University First Hospital
Beijing, China


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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Ebisu Prime Square 1F MBE 501
1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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