WCBIP rescheduled to November 19-22, 2020

We are happy to inform you that WCBIP China has been rescheduled to November 19-22, 2020.

Our congress will be a "hybrid" event that combines on-site and online learnings, which will make use of the improving situations in China and surrounding countries, while accommodating to WABIP members who cannot travel to the venue.

International faculty who cannot travel, will live stream their lectures to an on-site audience.

We will also be offering the 500+ abstract presenters the chance to record a 5-minute video or audio-only presentation, which will first be broadcasted at the venue and then later online.

Further details of the program, format, faculty and more at http://www.WCBIP.org

We greatly look forward to your participation in our WCBIP Shanghai this November. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.


The 21st WCBIP will be held in Shanghai on November 19-22, 2020. This congress is hosted by the WABIP, and is co-organized by the Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Thoracic Society. We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai next spring!

Guangfa Wang, M.D., PhD
President of the 21st WCBIP
Professor and Chairman
Dept of Respiratory and Critical Care Med
Peking University First Hospital
Beijing, China


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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
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