Registration Now Open for Shanghai WCBIP 2020!

WABIP members: take advantage of early bird discounts and register online for only $350 USD! This is a great opportunity for you to attend world class lectures and hands-on workshops by renowned international faculty members in beautiful and modern Shanghai, China.

The 21st WCBIP will be held in Shanghai on April 16-19, 2020. This congress is hosted by the WABIP, and is co-organized by the Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Thoracic Society. We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai next spring!

Guangfa Wang, M.D., PhD
President of the 21st WCBIP
Professor and Chairman
Dept of Respiratory and Critical Care Med
Peking University First Hospital
Beijing, China

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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Ebisu Prime Square 1F MBE 501
1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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