WABIP Newsletter – Vol. 7, issue 2 out now!

We are proud to present our 2nd issue of the year, representing our biggest and most in-depth Newsletter to date. Follow an image or link below to begin!

World Congress of the WABIP
(Editorial by Silvia Quadrelli, MD) One of the most important objectives of the WABIP is to establish cooperation networks between bronchoscopists from different regions of the world. This strategy helps the aim that the advances achieved by research and technological development of leading institutions become available to other centers in different regions of the world …

Ultrasonic Shears for Pulmonary Artery Sealing in Minimally Invasive Anatomical Lung Resections
(Tech Corner) Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) are the standard of care for anatomical lung resections …

Stenting for Tracheoesophageal Fistula
(Tips from the Experts) Acquired esophagorespiratory fistula (also referred to as tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF)) is a pathological communication between the esophagus and the trachea and/or bronchus. Etiologies are either …

World Bronchology Foundation: Proyecto Horizonte 2018
(Humanitarian News) In November and December of 2018, Dr. Olga Rajas Naranjo, nurse Liliana Llanos Rodríguez and Dr. Enrique Cases Viedma, travelled to Panamá, Honduras and El Salvador …

Best Image Contest Recipient (2 of 3)
Endotracheal chondroma. a) A large polypoid mass at the anterior wall of the lower third of the tra-chea, b-c) successfully excised by snare electrocautery during flexible bronchoscopy. …

Announcing news about our annual Board of Regents & Executive board meetings; a new member of our Executive committee; new WABIP member society, and updates on our Shanghai WCBIP! …

An exciting era for pulmonary nodule access: a letter from Dubrovnik
Many leading experts joined forces to present the latest data on several IP topics, such as lung cancer diagnosis, bronchoscopic emphysema treatment, and pleural diseases …

Indwelling Pleural Catheters for Non Malignant Effusions: Tread with Caution
(Research) The indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) has brought about a paradigm shift in the management of Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPE). Most notably the achievement of outpatient management of malignant pleural effusion …

Visiting Scholar Grant Observership Report
This report details observations of rigid bronchoscopy and airway stenting procedures in Marseille France by 2019 WABIP travel grantee Dr. Mia Elhidsi, an Indonesian pulmonologist at the National Referral Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, and one of two recipients of the WABIP Visiting Scholar 2019 grant. …

And much more! Read the entire issue in PDF format:

A true online publication that can be accessed across multiple devices including tablets and smart phones, the WABIP Newsletter strives to bring you the latest on bronchology and interventional pulmonary clinical practice, research, and education.

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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
Ebisu Prime Square 1F MBE 501
1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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