WABIP Newsletter (2018, Issue 3) Available Now!

WCBIP/WCBE Congress 2018
(Guest Editorial by Silvia Quadrelli, MD, WABIP Chair) Every other year, the World Congress Joint Meeting of the WABIP & The International Bronchoesophagological Society 2018 provides international participants unmatched opportunities to exchange scientific ideas & research in bronchology and interventonal pulmonology. This World Congress is a unique forum for physician’s, new technology developers …

Near-infrared imaging during VATS with transbronchial injecton of ICG
(Technology Corner by Yasuo Sekine, MD, PhD) Recent advances in CT screening has resulted in the increase of early stage lung cancer detection, specifically small peripheral lung cancer. …

Bronchoalveolar Lavage
(Tips from the Experts by Henri Colt MD, FAWM) Since Myrvik’s 1961 described technique for obtaining pulmonary macrophages from rabbit lungs and Reynolds …

The different actors of the humanitarian world: The Internatonal Commitee of Red Cross
(Humanitarian News) The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) was established in 1863. Its mission is to work worldwide to ensure humanitarian protection and assistance …

An Overview of Bronchoscopy Practises in the UK
(Education and Training) Bronchoscopy remains a very important investigative tool used by Respiratory Physicians in almost all centres in UK providing Respiratory Medicine …

WCBIP/WCBE 2018, WABIP Awards, New Executive Board
(WABIP News) We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Eric Edell for organizing a very successful WCBIP in Rochester USA, which included participants from over 40 countries …

The Holy Grail of Pleurodesis “Out Patient Pleurodesis”
(Research) The pursuit of outpatient pleurodesis has long been the focus of Interventional Pulmonologists.
As physicians taking care of patents with advanced malignancies and Malignant Pleural …

International Conference on Interventonal Pulmonology and Hands-on Training Program (Bangladesh)
(Special News) The 1st international conference on Interventional Pulmonology organized by BABIP is a landmark in the history of Interventional Pulmonology in Bangladesh …

And much more! You can also read the entire issue in PDF format:

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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
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1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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