Application for Board of Regents Membership

I. Personal Information
II. Terms, Duties and Responsibilities
  • To encourage diversity among leadership, the maximum consecutive number of terms a Regent may serve is two (2) unless special circumstances dictate more than two consecutive terms as determined by the Member Society. One term is defined as the period in between two consecutive WCBIP congresses (therefore 1 term is approximately 2 years).
  • Engage actively in WABIP activities such as committees, taskforces, and workgroups
  • Help identify ways for the WABIP and its Member Societies accomplish tasks and meet objectives
  • Actively engage in voting on proposals and in elections presented to the WABIP Board of Regents Society if the Regent cannot be located
  • Coordinate and supervise scientific and educational meetings aimed at participants at various levels of competency, to encourage and supervise teachings and
  • research activities in his or her Member Society
  • Promote the WCBIP congress and encourage his/her local members to attend and submit abstracts and topic proposals for their country
  • Call a meeting of members he represents once a year and send a report to the Executive Committee regarding their proposals
  • Keep close contact with the Membership Committee by submitting proposals for educational activities and for strengthening WABIP in his/her own Member Society.
III. Conflict of Interest Policy, Rules and Disclosure

WABIP leaders are bound by COI rules according to their respective leadership levels during their term. Real or perceived COI changes depend on the level of leadership activities in the WABIP, and a person’s decision making or advisory function in other professional organizations.

RULES FOR LEVEL III LEADERS: Members of the Board of Regents who are Member Society representatives

  • Except for investments in mutual funds, no holdings in stocks of pharmaceutical companies or any other commercial entities (e.g. device manufacturers) that manufacture or sell products related to management of individuals with disorders addressed by WABIP.
  • No investments in stocks of tobacco companies except for mutual funds.
  • No service as officer of another national, regional or international medical or professional society that is not a member society of the WABIP (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • No service as chair of a decision-making committee of any other national or international medical or professional society, except for limited exceptions as authorized by the WABIP's decision-making body on COI. Serving as a committee member is permissible (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Activities as a member of any committee or taskforce of any other national, regional, or international medical or professional society must be disclosed.
  • Activities as editor-in-chief or associate or deputy editor of a medical or professional journal must be disclosed.


  • Date of implementation of these COI rules: August 31, 2024.
  • Adopted policy will be available publicly.
  • Any clarifications of a COI should be submitted in writing to the COI committee for review and determination.
  • Appeal to the decision of the COI oversight committee will be referred, if necessary, to a special COI Appeals Committee consisting of FOUR MEMBERS: (1) The Chair of the COI Committee (serves as Chair), (2) A Member of the Executive Committee, (3) A member of the WABIP Board of Regents who is designated by the BOR and serves as liaison to the Board of Regents, and (4) a member of the WABIP Board of Regents who is designated by the Chair of WABIP. A Super majority (3/4) is required to reach a decision by this Appeals Committee. All decisions will be binding.
  • The Conflict of Interest Policy, Rules and Disclosure document will be made available online for all WABIP leaders and members.
  • Committee and taskforce chairs should begin every meeting (both remotely and in person) by asking whether anyone has a new COI to disclose, including any COI related to a matter on the meeting agenda.


IV. Upload Your Photo (Optional)
Allowed types: JPG, JPEG, PNGMaximum size: 3000KB
V. Agreement
I agree to fulfill and uphold the Duties and Responsibilities of a Regent (Article II) to the best of my abilities should this Application be approved.
I shall fully comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy and Rules.
All information that I have submitted and disclosed to the WABIP in this Application is, to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate and complete.
I have read and understood the entirety of this Application (Articles I-V).

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