October BOR 2012

Dear all Regents of the WABIP,

Thank you very much indeed for your continued cooperation and hard work in all that we are doing for the WABIP.

We would like to hold a video conference BOR on Sunday, 28th October, from 1 pm (1300) to 4 pm (1600). The venue will be Toho University School of Medicine, Conference Room 1 in the main university building, 1F (map/directions to follow; see below). For all those in Japan who can attend, we welcome you. Otherwise, please can all Regents who wish to attend, briefly familiarize yourselves with WebEx please, an internet-based conference system:


You will not need to sign up for this meeting; we will simply set the meeting up and send you an email invitation. You can then join the meeting via the email link, and at the bottom left there will be an option ‘join this meeting without setting up account’.

(Select ‘join via computer’, be sure to test your mic and speakers, and then you should be able to join with video).

For the ‘how to’ videos, click here:


Please see the below table (& screenshot) of times around the world:

I took this from here:


As you are aware, the scope and range of activities in which WABIP is involved continues to evolve at an exponential rate, matching our increasing membership!

Therefore, there are a number of issues which need BOR consultation. As such, it is crucial we have full attendance. For those of you unable to attend, please nominate a Proxy who can attend on your behalf, and notify me as soon as possible using the attached template (BOR attendance_proxy) (Word file), by saving the document with your initials at the end, i.e. BOR attendance_proxy_RT.

I will send out the proposed Agenda etc. as soon as finalized.

Map and Google Street View:


University website (English):


I’ll signpost the exact location from this position at the guardhouse gate, on site, and be available to welcome you.

Many thanks indeed. I look forward to hearing your response as soon as possible.

Rod Turner

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