Volume 12
Issue 02
June 2024
Inside This Issue
Editorial, 2-4
Technology Corner, 5-6
Tips from the Experts, 7-9
Humanitarian News, 10-15
Best Image Contest, 16
WABIP News, 17
Research, 18-19
Links, 20
Future of EBUS-TBNA EBUS-Plus
WABIP Newsletter
J U N E 2 0 2 4 V O L U M E 1 2 , I S S U E 2
Stefano Gasparini, MD
Italy, Chair
Pyng Lee, MD, PhD
Singapore, Vice-Chair
Hideo Saka, MD
Japan , Immediate Past-
Silvia Quadrelli, MD
Membership Commiee
Jean-Michel Vergnon, MD
Educaon Commiee
Ali Musani, MD
Finance Commiee Chair
Naofumi Shinagawa, MD
Secretary General
Menaldi Rasmin, MD, PhD
Indonesia , President
WCBIP 2024
Rajesh Thomas, MD, PhD
Melbourne , President
WCBIP 2026
Michael Mendoza
General Manager
Judy McConnell
Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Newsleer Editor-in-chief
P A G E 2
From the publicaon of the landmark study in 2004,
[1] Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial
needle aspiraon (EBUS-TBNA) has transformed the
landscape of Respiratory Medicine and been the key
driver in the rapid expansion of the eld of Interven-
onal Pulmonology. Variably performed by pul-
monologists and thoracic surgeons, the procedure
has become the standard of care in minimally inva-
sive assessment of intrathoracic lesions, and an in-
dispensable tool in a lung cancer muldisciplinary
service. In considering what the future pracce of
EBUS-TBNA may look like, it is worth reviewing the
progress from the me of introducon to the cur-
rent landscape in performance of EBUA-TBNA.
Following demonstraon of safety and diagnosc
accuracy of EBUS-TBNA , mulple randomized stud-
ies demonstrated comparable diagnosc accuracy to
surgical mediasnoscopy,[2, 3] which was previous-
ly the standard approach for pre-operave medias-
nal lymph node staging. This resulted in EBUS-TBNA
being recommended in internaonal clinical pracce
guidelines as the preferred technique for medias-
nal lymph node staging in non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). The success of EBUS-TBNA is reected in
real-world data demonstrang the dramac drop in
the number of mediasnoscopy procedures per-
formed.[4, 5]
From this point, advances in EBUS-TBNA were not
based on changes to the technique, but to doing
more ulising the same technique. This included
sampling of centrally posioned parenchymal tu-
mours, sarcoid, and isolated mediasnal/hilar lym-
phadenopathy, with high accuracy demonstrated for
various pathologies including extra-thoracic malignancy,
lymphoma and sarcoid.[6-8]
Subsequently, EBUS-TBNA began to be ulized not just for
diagnosc sampling, but for systemac mediasnal LN stag-
ing in NSCLC. Surgical guidelines had recognized the im-
portance of comprehensive lymph node staging in NSCLC,
with registry data indicang a likely survival advantage with
more complete intra-operave staging. Mulple studies
conrmed the ability of EBUS-TBNA to detect PET-occult
metastases in paents with early stage NSCLC, and in 2015
the joint ERS/ESTS guidelines recommended all paents
with early stage NSCLC with features associated with a
higher risk of post-operave nodal upstaging (any of T2,
cN1 or central tumour) undergo systemac mediasnal
staging with EBUS-TBNA.[9] Most recently, the SEISMIC
study conrmed the clinical ulity of EBUS-TBNA in a new
paent group: those with Locally Advanced NSCLC (LA-
NSCLC).[10] This landmark internaonal study detailed the
clinical impact of systemac mediasnal nodal staging to
most accurately inform radiaon eld planning in paents
with LA-NSCLC. Ulity of systemac mediasnal staging
(rather than targeted diagnosc sampling) is best demon-
strated by the primary study outcome; detecon by EBUS-
TBNA of PET occult LN metastases in 12% of parcipants. In
silico radiaon planning conrmed an extremely low radia-
on dose to most sites of PET occult disease,[10] idenfying
an extremely high likelihood of disease relapse in the 12%
of paents in whom PET-occult disease was detected by
The paern I see in the recent advancement of EBUS-TBNA
is of an increasingly methodical approach to sampling of
mediasnal and hilar structures to the point where now
systemac mediasnal staging should be considered the
Daniel Steinfort (MBBS, BMedSci, FRACP, PhD)
Respiratory Physician, Dept Respiratory Medicine, RMH
Head, Intervenonal Pulmonology Service, RMH
Respiratory Physician, Dept Cancer Medicine,
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Principal Research Fellow, Dept Medicine (RMH),
University of Melbourne
P A G E 3
PET-occult LN metastases, and the high number of normal
lymph nodes (>2 in a majority of paents unpublished da-
ta) sampled.
In tension with the desire to complete thorough medias-
nal/hilar LN evaluaon is the need to dene sampling crite-
ria to manage resource ulizaon and prevent procedure
mes extending unreasonably. Certainly, should a novel thin
convex probe videobronchoscope, previously reported in ex
vivo human models to allow assessment of almost all seg-
mental bronchii and even cytologic sampling of subsegmen-
tal LN,[17] become available, it is unlikely to be feasible to
perform as extensive sampling as this instrument will per-
mit. There may be a point where future of EBUS in some
areas may now be to begin more selecve targeng of LN. It
remains to be established exactly what extent of LN sam-
pling should be performed in paents with NSCLC undergo-
ing systemacmediasnal evaluaon should procedur-
alists rounely sample all 5 mediasnal staons or should
systemac evaluaon with EBUS be followed only by limited
sampling with TBNA, perhaps based on probability of meta-
stac involvement (eg. Canada Lymph Node Score[18])?
Alternavely, in paents with cN0-2, perhaps an approach
analogous to surgical R-staging (ensuring at least one
normalLN at a higher echelon than the highest patholog-
ic/PET-posive LN is sampled avoiding R(un)).[19] Equally,
is evaluaon of contralateral hilar LN necessary when the
detecon rate of PET-occult metastases is just 1%?[12] As
an illustraon of this challenge, the number of LN sampled
during systemac mediasnal staging varies widely be-
tween reports from just one, to as high as eight.[20]
Beyond opmal pathways for performance of EBUs-TBNA,
the elegance and technical simplicity of the convex probe
scope will also allow expansion of minimally invasive tech-
niques, especially in combinaon with novel technologies/
tools. Already, mediasnal cryobiopsy has been demonstrat-
ed in randomised studies to provide superior diagnosis to
EBUS-TBNA in lymphoma.[21-23] Notably, while some au-
thors have suggested EBUS-cryobiopsy may be more eec-
ve in achieving molecular evaluaon in NSCLC,[23] there
are sucient reports to suggest that obtaining adequate
cellularity [24, 25] and improvements to specimen handling/
processing may achieve the same outcomes. To illustrate
what can be achieved with EBUS-TBNA specimens, one large
mul-centre study reported ability to perform whole ge-
nome sequencing using EBUS specimens in approximately
half of 220 cases.[26] This highlights the importance not just
of connued technical progression, but of ensuring opmal
performance of techniques already well established, as dis-
cussed above.
current standard of care in management of NSCLC.
Is there sll further for EBUS-TBNA to advance?
Looking to the future, advances in EBUS-TBNA are
likely to fall into one of two categories; rstly the
excing idea of incorporaon of novel techniques/
technologies, and ; secondly the less exhilarang
but possibly more impacul advance of more con-
sistent and opmal use of EBUS-TBNA in assessing
paents with NSCLC.
ERS/ESTS as noted above recommend pre-
operave systemac mediasnal nodal staging in
paents with T2/cN1/centrally posioned tumours.
[9] This previously was predicated on the potenal
for upstaging by EBUS-TBNA to N2 disease which
may result in non-surgical management being pre-
ferred. Recent advances in immune checkpoint
inhibitor (ICI) therapy now also emphasize the rou-
ne sampling of hilar LN in addion to mediasnal
staons. Mulple RCTs demonstrate a survival ad-
vantage for paents with Stage IIA-III receiving
neoadjuvant ICI,[11] emphasizing the importance
of thorough evaluaon of hilar (and even intra-
pulmonary where possible) LN. Therefore, as rec-
ommended in the recently published WABIP expert
panel consensus statement on proposed quality
indicators for EBUS,[12] all paents with Stage Ib-
IIIA NSCLC should be considered for systemac
staging with EBUS-TBNA.
The eld of implementaon science exists to ad-
dress the consistent gap between what evidence
suggests is opmal care, and what is rounely per-
formed day-to-day. Reducing variance in care is an
eecve low-cost way to signicantly improve de-
livery of care for our paents. Anecdotally, system-
ac staging is inconsistently performed except in
jurisdicons where it is mandated. Notably, moni-
toring of quality has been demonstrated to im-
prove performance of EBUS and idenfy specic
areas for aenon.[13, 14] This endeavour remains
a key challenge in the future of EBUS-TBNA. In-
creasing the proporon of paents with Stage Ib-
!!!A NSCLC undergoing systemac staging will be a
key challenge in the future of EBUS-TBNA to ensure
consistent opmal care. Future work in prospec-
vely embedding this pracce is required, and may
involve some changes to current pracce. For ex-
ample, synopc procedural reporng is ulized in
endoscopic procedures to ensure opmal quality of
procedures.[15, 16] Synopc reporng was ulised
in the SEISMIC study and may have been a contrib-
ung factor to the signicant rate of detecon of
P A G E 4
22. Fan Y et al. Lancet Respir Med, 2023. 11(3): p. 256-264.
23. Ariza-Prota, M et al. ERJ Open Res, 2023. 9(2).
24. Hendry S et al. Cytopathology, 2020. 31(2): p. 90-95.
25. Vuorisalo A et al. Diagn Cytopathol, 2024. 52(5): p. 271-287.
26. Fielding, D et al. Cancers (Basel), 2024. 16(4).
27. Ishiwata T et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2022. 164(4): p.
1188-1197 e2.
It is likely that therapeuc intervenons will com-
prise some of the future of Convex probe EBUS.
Already, clinical trials have reported use of a nee-
dle-type radiofrequency ablaon probe delivered
via EBUS videobronchoscope, to achieve ablaon
zones of up to 2.1cm.[27] With appropriate cryo-
gens, cryoablaon may also be possible with cry-
oprobes narrow enough to be deployed via the
EBUS scope.
In conclusion, the tool that has been the corner-
stone of IP for two decades will almost certainly
remain so well into the future. Renements in
techniques as well as tools will drive progress, un-
derpinned by a strong evidence base supplied by
well-conducted studies. This has long been a
strength in IP/EBUS-TBNA and we will all be able to
cra the future of EBUS-TBNA through further rig-
orous studies and development of novel ideas. And
all to the benet of our paents.
1. Yasufuku K et al. Chest, 2004. 126(1): p. 122-8.
2. Annema JT et al. JAMA, 2010. 304(20): p. 2245-52.
3. Sharples LD et al. Health Technol Assess, 2012. 16
(18): p. 1-75, iii-iv.
4. Wahidi MM et al. Respiraon, 2023. 102(7): p. 495-
5. Bousema JE et al.. Eur Respir J, 2021. 57(4).
6. Steinfort DP et al. J Thorac Oncol, 2010. 5(6): p. 804-
7. Crombag LMM et al. Respirology, 2022. 27(2): p. 152-
8. Steinfort DP et al. Intern Med J, 2011. 41(12): p. 815-
9. Vilmann P et al. Eur Respir J, 2015. 46(1): p. 40-60.
10. Steinfort DP et al. Lancet Respir Med, 2024.
11. Banna GL et al. JAMA Netw Open, 2024. 7(4): p.
12. Steinfort DP et al. Respirology, 2023. 28(8): p. 722-
13. Punjabi A et al. BMJ Open Respir Res, 2021. 8(1).
14. Evison M et al. Thorax, 2016. 71(8): p. 762-3.
15. Johnson G et al. Surg Endosc, 2022. 36(5): p. 2886-
16. Roy H et al. Cureus, 2024. 16(2): p. e54480.
17. Patel P et al. Ann Thorac Surg, 2017. 103(4): p. 1158
18. Sullivan KA et al. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2023.
19. Yun JK et al. J Thorac Oncol, 2021. 16(5): p. 817-826.
20. Serra Mitja P et al. Arch Bronconeumol, 2022.
21. Zhang J et al. Eur Respir J, 2021. 58(6).
P A G E 5
Technology Corner
Spray Cryotherapy for Management of Central Airway Obstrucon
Spray cryotherapy (SCT) is an evolving therapeuc modality in the management of central airway obstrucon (CAO), that leverages
the physical properes of liquid nitrogen to achieve therapeuc outcomes. This arcle provides an overview of SCT, focusing on the
liquid nitrogen spray physics, its advantages over hot therapies, the underlying principles, cryobiology, and the available clinical evi-
dence. Central airway obstrucon can signicantly impair quality of life and increase morbidity in paents. Tradional management
strategies have included mechanical debulking, thermal ablaon, and stenng. However, these methods are associated with signi-
cant complicaons and limitaons. SCT emerges as a promising alternave, oering unique advantages in treang both benign and
malignant airway obstrucons.
Tradional CAO treatments such as mechanical debulking and thermal ablaon oen lead to reparave healing, characterized by
scar formaon, which can compromise airway funconality due to the non-elasc nature of scar ssue. In contrast, SCT facilitates a
regenerave healing process, promising a return of funconal, structurally similar ssue with minimal scarring.
Liquid nitrogen, the working agent in SCT, exhibits remarkable physical characteriscs that are leveraged for therapeuc benet. At
atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen has a boiling point of -196°C, allowing it to rapidly absorb heat upon contact with the airway
ssue. This rapid cooling eect leads to instant freezing of the targeted lesions, causing intracellular ice formaon, cell membrane
rupture, and ulmately cell death through apoptosis. Unlike thermal ablaon, which causes widespread thermal injury and inam-
maon, the applicaon of liquid nitrogen results in a focused area of necrosis in high water content cells (broblast, tumor, granula-
on) while preserving the low water content basement membrane of carlage, collagen and elasn..
Moreover, the ability of SCT to achieve deep ssue penetraon while minimizing collateral damage is a direct result of the thermal
conducvity and the latent heat of vaporizaon of liquid nitrogen. These physical properes ensure that the cryogenic eect is local-
ized to the target area, reducing the risk of unintended ssue injury. The controlled and reversible nature of the freeze-thaw cycle
employed in SCT further disnguishes it from other thermal ablaon techniques, oering a tailored approach to managing airway
obstrucons based on the size, locaon, and nature of the lesion.
Os B Rickman, DO, FCCP, DAABIP
Ascension Saint Thomas Chest and Lung
Professor, University of Tennessee
Health Sciences Center
P A G E 6
Clinical Applicaon
Spray cryotherapy (SCT) is ulized in various clinical sengs, from managing benign condions like airway stenosis to treang malig-
nant obstrucons due to advanced lung cancer. The adopon of advanced technologies, such as the third-generaon truFreeze Sys-
tem, has facilitated precise control over the spray, enabling uniform applicaon and enhancing procedural safety (Benn and Krishna,
Procedural Technique: The SCT procedure involves the bronchoscopic delivery of liquid nitrogen through a specially designed cathe-
ter directly to the lesion within the airway. The process begins with the paent under sedaon or general anesthesia, followed by the
inseron of the bronchoscope into the airway. 1ml of LN2 will expand to 700ml of gas, it is therefore imperave that there is an ade-
quate path for the gas to egress. This can be accomplished by using a rigid bronchoscope, LMA or 8.5 endotracheal tube. The cryo-
therapy catheter is then advanced through the working channel of the bronchoscope and extends 2cm. The anesthsia circuit is dis-
connected, if using an ETT the cu is deated and if rigid all ports opened. Upon acvaon, liquid nitrogen is sprayed in a controlled
manner, rapidly freezing the target ssue typical for 5-10 seconds. This freezing causes the cells to undergo apoptosis, leading to a
reducon in the obstrucon without signicant damage to the surrounding healthy ssue. The number and length of freeze-thaw
cycles are tailored to the specic characteriscs of the obstrucon and the paent's overall condion. It is important to note that
spray cryotherapy will cause edema and should not be used alone to restore patency for crical airway stenosis, as the edema from
the procedure could cause a temporary worsening of air ow.
Complicaons, while possible, are less frequent compared to other intervenons for airway obstrucon and include transient hypox-
emia, bradycardia, barotrauma (pneumothorax & pneumomediasnum) and rarely gas embolism. However, the procedural tech-
nique's renement and advancements in technology have contributed to a signicant reducon in adverse outcomes, arming SCT
as a safe and eecve opon for paents with central airway obstrucons (Finley et al., 2012).
SCT represents a signicant advancement in the management of central airway obstrucon. The physical characteriscs of liquid ni-
trogen—namely its low boiling point, rapid phase transion, and ecient heat absorpon—underpin the therapeuc ecacy of SCT.
Its ulity in creang a favorable healing environment, coupled with a relavely low complicaon rate, underscores its potenal as a
preferred method in suitable paents. As the technology and clinical experience with SCT connue to evolve, it is poised to occupy a
more central role in the therapeuc armamentarium against central airway obstrucon.
1. Kheir F et al. Chest. 2016;150(4):1141-1146.
2. Finley DJ et al. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012;94(1):199-204.
3. Benn B et al. J Thorac Dis. 2019;11(2):E1-E4.
4. Ratwani AP et al. J Bronchol Interv Pulmonol. 2023.
5. Moore RF et al. J Thorac Dis. 2017;9(2):E150-E155.
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 7 V O L U M E 1 2 , I S S U E 2
Intervenonal pulmonology employs numerous techniques to address airway disorders. Electrocautery is a form of contact-based electro-
surgery, which uses thermal ablave energy to destroy obstrucng ssue and provide hemostasis in the treatment of malignant and non-
malignant airway disorders accessible within the territory of exible and rigid bronchoscopy. Non-contact electrosurgery includes argon
plasma coagulaon (APC) and laser therapy, which have similar principles to electrocautery, but are not addressed in this arcle.
Electrocautery under the umbrella of electrosurgery causes an eect through the creaon of heat via a high-frequency alternang electrical
current. Tissue eects include: cung through vaporizaon, coagulaon, and fulguraon, which is the destrucon of ssue specically relat-
ed to heat caused by electricity. The thermal eect on ssue increases with the amount of electrical current applied, the resistance of the
ssue contacted, and is inversely proporonal to the contact area of the probe.
This form of electrocautery diers from direct current elec-
trocautery in which electricity is passed through a metal resistor to generate heat that is then conducted into ssue to create a coagulave
While electrocautery techniques have been employed for nearly a century,
the oxygen-rich environment of the airways bronchoscopists
operate within necessitates parcular safety consideraons to prevent combuson and airway res.
The two primary indicaons for electrocautery are for treatment of central airway lesions and hemorrhage. While the exact incidence of
central airway obstrucon (CAO) is unknown, up to 30% of paents with lung cancer experience complicaons of CAO.
Following interven-
ons such as electrocautery, 48% of paents report improvement in symptoms.
A combinaon of electrosurgical techniques including direct contact in the form of electrocautery and non-contact in the form of argon plas-
ma coagulaon have been shown to eecvely treat CAO and negate the need for more expensive tools, such as the Nd-Yag laser.
Airway hemorrhage can be either spontaneous or iatrogenic. For paents with bleeding lesions that are visible to and accessible by exible
bronchoscope, electrocautery can be a powerful tool to ameliorate bleeding. While not essenal, rigid bronchoscopy can be useful to pro-
vide a conduit to beer secure the airway and provide suconing while allowing the applicaon of electrocautery techniques.
Planning for the use of electrocautery includes appropriate paent selecon, review of imaging, paent preparaon, and familiarity with
equipment use and sengs.
Appropriate candidates for electrocautery are those paents who would otherwise be able to tolerate bronchoscopy. In addion to cardiac
risk stracaon, the paent must be able to tolerate a fracon of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of less than 40% in order for electrocautery to be
safely applied. The majority of bronchoscopic electrocautery is monopolar in which an electrical current is generated by an acve electrode
contained within the tool and completes the circuit by passing through the paents body into the grounding pad. Carefully selecng the
locaon the grounding pad is placed on the paent and possible negave consequences must be considered. The grounding pad should be
placed on a clean, dry and relavely hairless area of skin as close as possible to the lesion of interest within the airway. For example, if the
CAO is occluding the le mainstem bronchus, then the grounding pad should be preferenally placed over the paents le chest. However,
careful consideraon must also be paid to the presence of implanted cardiac devices such as pacemakers and implantable cardioverter de-
brillators (ICDs). In the above example, if the paent with a le mainstem obstrucon also had an implantable cardiac device, the ground-
ing pad should not be placed over the le chest as this would draw current through the device and potenally lead it to malfuncon. These
Fundamental Principals and Safety of Bronchoscopic Electrocautery
Atul C. Mehta, MD
Professor of Medicine,
Lerner College of Medicine
Buoncore Family Endowed Chair in
Lung Transplantaon
Sta Physician, Pulmonary Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Foundaon
Grant Senyei, MD, MBA
Intervenonal Pulmonology Fellow
Cleveland Clinic Foundaon
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 8 V O L U M E 1 2 , I S S U E 2
devices must be interrogated before and aer the procedure in the case of pacemakers or disabled pre-procedurally in the case of ICDs to
ensure the funconality during and aer the case.
Bipolar electrocautery devices negate the need for a grounding pad as the acve and return electrodes are in close proximity within the tar-
get site. The path of the electrical current is contained to the ssue between the two electrodes (usually in the form of forceps) rather than
from the tools electrode, through the paents body, and to the grounding pad as in monopolar electrocautery. However, the ssue eect is
less pronounced than with monopolar devices due to lower power. Bipolar electrocautery is closer to the original form of electrocautery in
which direct current is passed through a metal resistor rather than paents ssue to create heat. Both of these techniques are beer suited
for paents who have implantable cardiac devices that cannot be adjusted as the electrical current is less likely to pass through the device.
Determining the best airway to be used when employing electrocautery is paent and case-dependent. In general, if the lesion locaon al-
lows, a large-bore endotracheal tube (≥8.5mm inner diameter) or rigid bronchoscope is the airway of choice. If there is high concern for hem-
orrhage, these airways allow for maximal protecon of the contralateral lung and bronchoscopic access to clear the aected lung. Addional-
ly, while electrocautery provides the ability to debulk and coagulate central airway tumors en bloc, this maneuver can create a new challenge
when a previously xed airway obstrucon becomes mobile. Again, the largest conduit to the airway should be considered safest.
Electrocautery can be used for both therapeuc and diagnosc purposes. There are several devices that ulize the cung and coagulave
eects of electrocautery to both therapeucally debulk and obtain ssue for further diagnosis.
Electrocautery snare
An electrocautery snare is a lasso-type tool made of electroconducve material that can be deployed around an airway lesion and cinched
closed. The electrocautery principles of cung and coagulaon are used to excise the lesion while controlling bleeding. The lesion can
then be removed from the airway and sent for addional studies.
Electrocautery knife
An electrocautery knife uses the vaporizaon principles of electrocautery to dissect through ssue. This can be used both as a means of re-
moving scar ssue within the airway and also to create a path through the airway to access mediasnal lymph nodes and facilitate cryo-
Electrocautery forceps
Electrocautery forceps provide the benets of forceps biopsies while also employing the coagulave properes of electrocautery to limit post
-biopsy hemorrhage. There has not been shown to be a detriment in specimen quality between hot and cold forceps.
An electrocautery probe is also available to control hemorrhage and ablate ssue. However, many of the indicaons for an electrocautery
probe can be accomplished with the snare or forceps by touching the lesion of concern with the conducng poron of either of these tools.
Regardless of the tool used, there is an insulated and non-insulated poron that allows for electricity to be conducted to the ssue once it is
within the paent. If the non-insulated poron is close to the end of the working channel, the bronchoscope may inadvertently be the lowest
path of resistance for the electric current. Given this high-energy conducon can lead to costly damage to the bronchoscope, it is important
to keep the electrocautery tool at least 4mm from the end of the working channel. Older generaons of bronchoscopes are not amenable to
electrosurgical techniques as they lack an insulated ceramic p, so familiarity with the bronchoscope in use is vital.
Quality control:
The unique, oxygen-rich environment of the intubated paent creates challenges and potenally devastang consequences as it relates to
the use of electrocautery. While this tool can be eecve, the severe ramicaons of an airway re must be the foremost concern of the
bronchoscopist and anesthesia team. In order to prevent this adverse event, connuous communicaon is required. Prior to the procedure,
the potenal use of electrocautery should be discussed. During the procedure, conrmaon of reducon in FiO2 unl an FeO2 ≤40% should
be performed via closed loop communicaon. Finally, if the paent is not tolerang this oxygen level, the bronchoscopist should be made
aware prior to any increase in supplemental oxygen.
Tips from the Experts
P A G E 9 V O L U M E 1 2 , I S S U E 2
1. Li A et al. Gastrointest. Endosc. Clin. N. 2023; 33 (1): 2940
2. Mazzarweh N et al. Am Coll Sur. 2006; 202 (3): 520-530
3. Lee P et al. Clin Chest Med. 2022; 23 (1): 241256
4. Mahajan A et al. Chest. 2020; 157 (2): 446-453
5. Ost D et al. Chest. 2015; 147 (5): 12821298
6. Coulter T et al. Chest. 2000; 118 (2): 516521
7. Madigan M et al. Ann Surg. 1999. 230 (5): 639
8. Tremblay A et al. Eur Respir J. 2007; 29 (1): 108111
Table 1. Key Consideraons When Using Bronchoscopic Electrocautery
Appropriate grounding pad posioning accounts rst for the presence of implanted cardiac devices and
second for the locaon of the airway lesion.
A large endotracheal tube (≥ 8.5) or rigid bronchoscope is the preferred airway of choice for bronchoscopic
electrocautery when the lesion locaon allows.
Use the lowest seng possible to achieve the desired eect while prevenng unnecessary current delivery.
Use closed loop communicaon to ensure the fracon of expired oxygen (FeO2) is ≤40% prior to acvang
the electrocautery tool.
Keep the distal end of the tool at least 4mm from the end of the working channel to prevent damage to the
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Arcial Intelligence: Between Wonder and Decepon. An Analysis of Eric
Sadin's Thought
The growth of arcial intelligence (AI) has transformed our lives, enhancing eciency across various sectors. However, sci-
ensts and philosophers have expressed concerns about the associated risks.
A primary concern is the ethics of AI development. As AI systems become more advanced, quesons about moral responsi-
bility and accountability arise. Biases in algorithms, decision-making processes, and their impact on social values provoke
debates among experts.
One ethical dilemma is job displacement due to automaon, which could lead to massive unemployment and economic in-
stability. Policymakers face the challenge of ensuring a smooth labour transion in the AI era. Addionally, privacy implica-
ons are worrisome. The collecon and analysis of vast amounts of data raise serious quesons about data security and indi-
vidual privacy. The misuse of personal informaon by algorithms prompts ethical concerns about consent and data protec-
Beyond ethical concerns, existenal risks related to AI exist. Scenarios where AI surpasses human intelligence and makes
autonomous decisions raise alarms about the potenal consequences of losing control over these systems. Arcial superin-
telligence, which could outperform humans in all cognive tasks, poses profound quesons about humanity's future.
Various contemporary philosophers and theorists address the phenomenon and consequences of AI from dierent perspec-
ves. Nick Bostrom, in "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies," explores potenal future routes of AI and associated
risks. Luciano Floridi, in "The Fourth Revoluon: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality," examines how infor-
maon technologies and AI reshape our understanding of the world and our role in it. Yuval Noah Harari, in "Sapiens: A Brief
History of Humankind" and "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow," explores how emerging technologies, including AI,
could transform society and human nature. Jaron Lanier, with "You Are Not a Gadget" and "Ten Arguments for Deleng Your
Social Media Accounts Right Now," examines the eects of technology on society and the individual. John Searle, with his
famous "Chinese Room" thought experiment, quesons whether a machine can possess true understanding or conscious-
ness. Searle argues that while a computer can produce correct responses by following a program, it does not truly under-
stand what it is doing, suggesng that AI cannot possess genuine understanding or consciousness.
Among these voices, one of the most pivotal contribuons has been by Eric Sadin, a French philosopher and essayist known
for his crical analyses of technology, AI, and social networks. His insights into the intersecon of technology and society,
exploring how technological innovaons aect daily life, power structures, and human relaonships, are parcularly provoc-
AI represents one of the greatest technological marvels of our me, evoking enthusiasm and awe for its capabilies. This
technology, increasingly integrated into our lives, shapes our values, thought processes, decisions, polical organisaons,
and the knowledge we can obtain through "digital agents." However, Eric Sadin warns that this state of wonder and awe is
also a state of decepon that we must crically queson and analyse. Sadin argues that the fascinaon with AI is actually a
form of decepon perpetuated by its diculty to be recognised. We already live in a digitally shaped era where AI not only
accompanies our decisions and acons but largely determines them.
The ability of expert systems to automacally interpret situaons and generate knowledge inuences how we make deci-
sions and organise ourselves. AI, inially conceived as a tool to support human acons, has evolved into a direct determinant
of these acons and decisions. This evoluon raises a fundamental queson: who produces knowledge today?
Sadin argues that AI has established a new "regime of truth" that asserts unprecedented authority. This algorithmic truth,
produced and validated by digital systems, presents itself as indisputable, thereby liming human judgement. This phenome-
non is concerning because, unlike previous concepons of truth, digital truth does not easily allow for quesoning, imposing
itself as a tyranny.
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The digitalisaon of the world has also transformed our percepon of reality. The transhumanist project, which Sadin does
not directly address but is relevant in this context, proposes enhancing the human being through the fusion of biology with
technology, leading to the creaon of a "superintelligence." This perspecve promises a utopia of perfecon and security,
but also implies deep control over human life and its perceptual and emoonal capacies.
One of the most common arguments in defence of technology is its presumed ethical neutrality, meaning that its value de-
pends on how it is used. However, it is clear that digital technology, and AI in parcular, has an "ethical narrowness" rein-
forced by policies promong the control of personal data. Being a cizen in the digital age seems to reduce to being a pos-
sessor of data that must be protected and managed. Current digital ethics focus on data protecon but do not address the
broader implicaons of algorithmic control over human life. Concern for the ethical use of AI should go beyond mere data
protecon and consider how these technologies reshape our interacons, decisions, and values.
The digital revoluon is nearly complete. This powerful technology can explore networks, collect and analyse relevant data,
map myriad global or local situaons, and propose or project real-me secure and opmal soluons. Many systems are al-
ready capable of making decisions on our behalf, contribung to an insidious and expansive delegaon of power to ma-
chines. This phenomenon marginalises humanity, whose intellectual aributes are partly surpassed by its own creaons.
In his book L'humanité augmentée. L'administraon numérique du monde, Éric Sadin explores numerous phenomena al-
ready in full operaon and poised to expand considerably in the coming years. He notes the unseling emergence of a kind
of parallel humanity, composed of intelligent electronic ows designed to manage "for the best and least risk" the course of
the world in the 21st century. The ideal of augmented humanity is based on the noon that God made a mistake with us: He
made us incomplete, unnished, insucient. Technology—more precisely, the technical-economic proposal of our me—
has miraculously come to solve all our problems, says Sadin. This civilisaonal ideal, now established as a desirable scheme
for our existence, stems from the subtle and constant exercise carried out for years by mass media, mulnaonal corpora-
ons, and governments worldwide.
In this context, the "siliconisaon of the world" takes on the vigour of a universal social scheme that organises personal and
professional life in the "civilised" world. This model, explains Sadin, is based primarily on an "automated algorithmic organi-
saon," dened by the quancaon of human beings, now reduced to mere data housed in massive electronic databases
owned by private companies and organisaons. This form of organisaon allows all social life to be governed by digital ad-
Secondly, the civilisaonal model based on the siliconisaon of the world is observed in another globally accepted phenome-
non: the commodicaon of life. Our data, interacons, and ways of life, constantly traversed and ltered through technical
surfaces and plaorms, are now valued almost exclusively for their commercial value. Even we, our images and representa-
ons, are presented as objects or products with commercial character.
The siliconisaon of the world, Sadin explains, is celebrated as not only a desirable but also an unsurpassable model: a lumi-
nous form of the most exacerbated technocapitalism, welcomed with reworks for its "egalitarian virtues" and promises of
"freedom of access."
This siliconisaon operates through missionaries who have arrived to colonise the planet with ideas radiated from the very
heart of Silicon Valley: the "startuppers," the "creave collaborators," the "autonomous self-entrepreneurs," the "think
tanks," the project incubators, even the universies, all of them now mulplied across all connents as the new evangelisers
of the future.
Here is something central, remarks Sadin: without realising it, the "enabling technologies," the surfaces and technical devic-
es that make up the "data and plaorm economy," are leading us to a way of life that has no polical end but is mercanlist
and global, intended solely to sasfy private interests. The problem with the bright projects that come to us as discourses of
light and salvaon from the media and from the voices of their missionaries and evangelisers is that we are carrying out and
allowing the realisaon of the most extreme version of posivism: a "radical anhumanism" that aacks individual freedom
of decision and judgement.
As an example, Sadin discusses the inuence of social networks, parcularly Twier. Twier, a social network used by hun-
dreds of millions of ordinary people as well as celebries and polical leaders, also feeds on a parcular form of expression
that has lile to do with a global agora. The approach to this and other plaorms must be inserted into the analysis of the
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new condion of the contemporary subject, which, although it materialised in the last decade, goes back more than two
centuries and has individualism as its predominant ethos. When Twier's creator proposed that users post messages inially
limited to 140 characters, he probably understood that the rule of short formulas would smulate a dynamic of exchanges
capable of creang a sort of global chorus where humans could express themselves simply and almost spontaneously.
What immediately made the device unique was that it seemed to resonate, disturbingly, with an increasingly restless era
subjected to unprecedented threats. The plaorm responded to the needs of the me, stoking human resentment and an-
ger. The enre mechanism fosters the impression of a primacy of oneself that is maintained all the more because each post
seems to come from nowhere, emerging ex nihilo—in contrast to societal exchange that always derives from response, from
the intertwining with other words—thus feeding the implicit postulate of embodying a form of truth.
Eric Sadin argues in his book La Vie algorithmique: Crique de la raison numérique that Twier was used to share moods,
frustraons, and dissasfacons about various situaons and instuons, making us feel like protagonists of our lives. It
seemed like a new right to unlimited expression, almost like a public service. Later, the "like" was introduced, providing sec-
ondary sasfacon. The sophiscaon of the device oered gracaon to both the "followed" and the followers, creang
an illusion of proximity with celebries. Users, by menoning or "tagging" personalies, imagined a direct interacon,
though they rarely received responses. This illusion fed the feeling of being involved in world aairs. Not only ordinary peo-
ple but also celebries were electried, using it to maintain their presge without intermediaries.
This intoxicang machine is also supported by the interface that forces concise posngs, favouring a language regime that
priorises asseron over argumentaon on the central issue. According to Sadin, this constutes coercion that further ex-
cites the desire to systemacally produce impacul, whip-like phrases, punchlines intended both to impact other minds and
to disnguish oneself from the average. This marks "the era of haste," without reecon, without exchange, without waing
for a response, but merely accounng for likes and retweets. The "conversaon" ended, giving way to catharsis.
According to Sadin, the plaorm collaborated with the absolute privilege assigned to the word. We are living in a moment of
inaon of discourses, whether formulated on the web, in radio studios, or on television channels broadcasng 24 hours a
day, which since the early 2000s have mulplied debates in formats designed to smulate turbulent exchanges.
A dislocaon occurs then—on a scale probably never before seen in history—between word and con. The passion for ex-
pressiveness now occupies a predominant posion and also has the eect of relegang to the background any duty of real
involvement in common aairs. Sadin quotes Hannah Arendt: "Of all the acvies necessary and present in human commu-
nies, only two were considered polical and capable of constung what Aristotle called bios polikos, that is, acon and
speech." In this equaon, praxis is rst chronologically—and also morally—and only later calls for commentary, the individu-
al and collecve evaluaon of the achievements realised, intended to feed and iniate acon anew. This was a signicant
contribuon to an-polics: nothing is done, nothing proposed, nothing built. Opinions are expressed, generally violently,
and that is the enrety of the individual's involvement: "I have an opinion." But nothing is done to change what is cricised
or improve what is considered a problem.
More than the duty of polical contribuon theorecally conferred to all, which requires public pronouncement and eort
to contribute to the life of the City, a generalised good conscience now prevails. The constant pracce of expressing well-
intenoned words amid protests gives "users" the impression of moral integrity and being "on the right side." Thus, the re-
less pracce of declamaon gives the sensaon of being "on the right side" while remaining, for the most part, outside real
acon. Living on the margins, never being a protagonist, but living under the illusion of being a main character because one
is followed and follows a series of asserve comments not exposed to transformave dialeccs.
It is then when we realise that we are not dealing with an enty dedicated to establishing connecons but with a constantly
bubbling mechanism that aracts a multude of human monads, aspiring only to soothe their emoons and capture others'
aenon. Contrary to what we imagine, this dynamic dismantles each of us as acng beings.
But perhaps one of the most provocave and alarming points analysed by Sadin is the progressive transformaon of Arcial
Intelligence from being a prosthesis to an anthropomorphic enty.
Eric Sadin, in his provocave and challenging style, argues that "Francis Fukuyama was mistaken: the end of history did not
arrive with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the global triumph of polical and economic liberalism, but rather is being
consummated today with the widespread use of arcial intelligence."
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The central hypothesis of L'Intelligence arcielle ou l'Enjeu du siècle: Anatomie dun anhumanisme radical is that the pre-
dominance of arcial intelligence (AI) is not a consequence but a cause, derived from a fundamental change in the status of
digital technologies. These technologies have evolved from being accumulave and intellectual prostheses, useful for the
storage, indexing, and rapid trac of informaon, to becoming enes expected to enunciate truths through the automated
interpretaon of situaons. Inially seen as tools that augment our cognive abilies, they now assume a much more acve
role. They no longer merely store and organize informaon but are aributed the capacity to interpret data and generate
knowledge beyond human capability.
This ability of AI to arculate truths that humans cannot discern fundamentally alters the nature of technology. The implica-
ons of this change are vast and profound. We nd ourselves at a crossroads where digital technology not only supports our
decisions but largely determines them.
What characterizes arcial intelligence is its power of experience, which constantly improves. We are witnessing a shi in
the status of digital technologies, which are no longer merely intended to enable us to manipulate informaon for various
purposes but to reveal the reality of phenomena beyond appearances. AI can establish more precise diagnoses than human
intelligence because it handles and correlates data in real-me, which esh-and-blood humans cannot match. In this sense,
the French philosopher denounces "the propagaon of a radical anhumanism," as techno-liberalism, through a managerial
neo-language, seeks to "reduce certain elements of reality to binary codes, excluding an innity of dimensions that our sensi-
vity can capture and that escape the principle of mathemacal modeling."
This can vary from a moderate and harmless level to a prescripve one, such as in the recruitment sector, which now uses
digital systems to select candidates for a job. "We are witnessing the marginalizaon of human evaluaon."
In his earlier works, such as La humanité augmentée : L'administraon numérique du monde and La silicolonisaon du
monde, Sadin gained ground among 21st-century dystopian thinkers, arculang in real-me, from a phenomenological per-
specve, what millions of television viewers perceived as a warning in the series Black Mirror: the advent of radical changes
in the construcon of "the real." These modicaons, the philosopher notes, are subsidiaries of transformaons evident in
the status of digital technologies, which have shied from being "accumulave prostheses" to becoming enes capable of
"enunciang truth" through automated interpretaon of situaons. Technology thus becomes "anthropomorphic," realizing
in the 21st century what Simone Weil foresaw in La condion ouvrière: "things play the role of humans, and humans play the
role of things; it is the root of evil."
Thus, the singularity of beings and human plurality are gradually neutralized through automated modes of organizaon that
avoid conict, deliberaon, and consensus. As we connuously strive to govern ourselves, these systems establish a strictly
ulitarian relaonship with existence, assuming that every acon must aim towards an end, whether it is supposed comfort
or the opmizaon of life sequences.
The digital medium provides a more dependable way to evaluate "reality" compared to our current methods. This is appar-
ent in the eld of nancial management, online social plaorms, GPS technology, and even in the legal system through court
decisions and video monitoring. Currently, a unique and never-before-seen anthropological and ontological condion is
emerging. In this condion, the human form is subjected to the calculaons of its own creaons, with the main objecve of
serving personal interests and creang a societal structure primarily driven by praccal consideraons.
This revoluon has revitalised the concept of "ideology of progress," resulng in the establishment of an idealised govern-
ment. It is important to recognise that artefacts are not a result of any inherent natural order, but rather they are created by
human intervenon and have an impact on human acvies. According to Sadin, AI is not fundamentally dierent; it has not
naturally evolved to become a replacement for our decision-making abilies. Instead, it serves as a tool for maximising e-
ciency in decision-making, which has diminished the amount of me humans spend on understanding and reecon.
This myth of technological neutrality, Sadin tells us, also manifests in the messianic image of "visionary entrepreneurs" who
spearheaded modern compung. Figures like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are presented to the
public through their autobiographies as enlightened beings, touched by the "invisible hand" of inspiraon, portraying their
products as fruits of their individual creave fervour and cloaking them in a "virginal innocence," far from any responsibility
for the misuse of their products. Yet, it would be naive to believe that the rise of the PC was due to the iniave of a young
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man in his parents' garage, soldering iron in one hand and a circuit board in the other. The ocial narrave conceals the
economic interests that dictated the trajectory of research in this sector.
Technology (like science) is anything but neutral. AI does not "know" innately; it knows what it is fed. And those who pro-
duce the mega AI systems are private companies responding to their own interests, not a supposed "truth" or the general
interest. What will Chat-GBT tell us about the interpretaon of a parcular geopolical problem? What will a medical AI so-
ware tell us about the criteria for dening a disease: the strictest that includes fewer paents (and hence fewer treatment
targets) or the most exible that signicantly increases potenal subjects for treatment? How will AI interpret an academic
text when it "digests" it for us to read more quickly? And progressively: what will it tell us (depending on who has fed it)
about what is true and what is not, about what is right and what is wrong?
One of the major problems is that we trust technology more than ourselves. A prime example is the beauful Sophia project
to improve diagnosc accuracy in tomographic paerns of intersal disease. An undoubtedly useful tool. However, it is
signicant that in the preliminary analysis of the work by Simon Walsh, when parcipants (all of them expert radiologists or
pulmonologists in intersal disease) analyzed nearly 300 HRCTs and then received the AI's opinion, most of them changed
their inial assessment to a greater or lesser extent. The condence in the AI system (with or without reason) was greater
than the condence they had in themselves.
According to Sadin, from now on, we increasingly expect processors to govern us masterfully, to liberate us from having to
pronounce ourselves at every moment and to generate commitment; in essence, the act of pung our responsibility at
stake. He connues: "What is at stake is the denial of our vulnerability, that constuve fragility of our humanity that led
Aristotle to say, 'a life so vulnerable is nevertheless the best.'"
In this new regime of truth, the philosopher argues, postmodern categories imposed in the late 20th century are no longer
useful. "It is not so much about 'control' and the abusive collecon of 'personal data' but about a quite dierent congura-
on whose goal is not to monitor but to inuence behaviours," he writes. This "algorithmic Leviathan" cannot be confronted
like the old instuonal power devices, since "we can never have it in front of us, so that, with total clarity, we can know
what it is about, because it never shows us its enre face and indenitely escapes, free thus to exercise its full powers, shel-
tered from any form of consistent opposion."
In the era of the tyrannical individual, the lack of faith and the inuence of social networks have led to a society without a
common horizon, where resentment and distrust prevail. The proposed soluon is to rebuild collecves that allow people to
express their capacies harmoniously and sustainably. Our history is marked by promises and disappointments, both individ-
ually and collecvely, leading to a parcular state of successive disillusionment.
In this context, it is crucial to reect on the ethical, social, and philosophical implicaons of this transformaon. We must
queson the uncrical enthusiasm towards AI and carefully consider how we want these technologies to inuence our lives
and sociees. The capacity of AI to generate truth and make autonomous decisions can be a powerful tool, but it also poses
signicant risks that we must address with crical awareness and strong ethics.
Humans are diverse individuals, characterised by their wide range of dierences and inherent mulplicity. We are social be-
ings who exist in a state of conict and disagreement. We exist as complex enes with the ability to perceive and experi-
ence the world through mulple senses, while also being part of a diverse and intricate society. Embracing the concept of
global siliconizaon, exponenal technologies, and convergence entails the complete eradicaon of human qualies, ul-
mately resulng in the demise of polics.
It is crucial for us to have a keen understanding of the power and inuence that techno-liberalism is currently exercising over
our lives. In order to secure the future of our human civilizaon, it is imperave that we promptly iniate measures to coun-
teract opposing forces, establish limits, or resist them. The civic and polical mobilisaon we engage in during the next 10 to
15 years will play a signicant role in determining the outcome. According to Sadin, once that happens, it will be too late.
Sadin lacks opmism. Nevertheless, notwithstanding his disillusionment, he revisits Foucault in order to urge the populace to
exhibit "acve intolerance" in opposion to the radical dehumanisaon generated by techno-liberalism. "Defending the real
becomes the new singular name of the most signicant polical struggle of our me," he concludes, evidently lacking the
enthusiasm that would movate readers.
Humanitarian News
W A B I P N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 15
1. Sadin É.. La humanité augmentée : L'administraon numérique du monde. Paris : LÉchappée, 2013.
2. Sadin, É. La silicolonisaon du monde : Lirrésisble expansion du libéralisme numérique. Paris : LÉchappée, 2016.
3. Sadin É. L'intelligence arcielle ou l'enjeu du siècle : Anatomie d'un anhumanisme radical. Paris : LÉchappée, 2018."
4. Sadin É. La Vie algorithmique : Crique de la raison numérique. Paris : LÉchappée, 2015.
5. Sadin É. LÈre de lindividu tyran : La n dun monde commun. Paris : Grasset, 2020."
6. Sadin Éric, « « Le technolibéralisme nous conduit à un avenir régressif » », Hermès, La Revue, 2018/1 (n° 80), p. 255-258. DOI :
*The views expressed in this arcle are those of the author (Silvia Quadrelli) and do not necessarily reect the ocial posi-
ons of the Execuve Board or Internaonal Board of Regents of the WABIP.
Best Image Contest 2024 (2 of 3)
Category: Central Airway Diseases
Descripon: Videobronchoscopic tracheal view of a right main bronchus ovarian cancer me-
tastasis with carinal and le main brocnhus envolvment. The tumor was debulked with elec-
tocautery and extracted with the help of cryoprobe.
Submier(s): Gutu Serghei
Best Image Contest
P A G E 16
This image is 1 of 3 selected among 100+ submissions to our Best Image Contest held in late 2023. Our next
Image Contest will open later this year. We look forward to receiving your image submissions.
P A G E 17
Upcoming Deadlines and Opportunies
We are excited to announce several important iniaves and opportunies for our members in the upcoming
months. These events and nominaons are crucial for recognizing outstanding contribuons in the eld of bron-
chology and intervenonal pulmonology, as well as for fostering further advancements and collaboraons within
our community.
WABIP Awards
Nominaons for the presgious WABIP Awards are now open, with the deadline set for July 1, 2024. The awards
will be presented during the opening ceremony of the WCBIP Congress in Bali, Indonesia. We encourage members
to submit nominaons for the following awards:
The Gustav Killian Centenary MedalRecognizes accomplished senior bronchologists with signicant career
The WABIP-Dumon Award: Honors individuals dedicated to enhancing technical skills and knowledge in rigid
The Heinrich Becker Young Invesgator Awards: Celebrates young researchers and clinicians contribung to
bronchology-related paent care and innovaons.
The WABIP Lifeme Achievement Award: Acknowledges rered professionals who made considerable contri-
buons to bronchology and intervenonal pulmonology.
The Disnguished WABIP Regent Award: Recognizes signicant contribuons by members of the Board of Re-
WABIP Vice-chair Nominaons
We are now accepng nominaons for the next WABIP Vice-chair, with a submission deadline of July 1, 2024. The
elecon will take place during the WABIP Board of Regents meeng at the WCBIP Congress on October 23, 2024, in
Bali. The elected Vice-chair will join the Execuve Board and assume leadership responsibilies to ensure the con-
nued growth and success of our organizaon. READ MORE
WCBIP 2028 Bids
Applicaons to host the 2028 WCBIP Congress are open! This is a unique opportunity to bring our biennial scienc
event to your city and showcase your venue. Applicaons must be submied by July 1, 2024, and selected appli-
cants will present their proposals at the Board of Regents meeng in Bali. We look forward to seeing your innova-
ve ideas and plans for hosng this signicant event. READ MORE
WCBIP Video Fesval
We invites submissions for the WCBIP Video Fesval. We seek videos showcasing state of the artupdates and
procedural techniques in intervenonal pulmonology, laryngology, pleural diseases, tracheobronchology, and
esophagology. An independent jury will judge submissions, awarding prizes in categories such as Scienc Content,
Innovaon, and Imaging. The best overall video will be presented at the Congress's Opening Ceremony and will be
featured on WABIP's social media plaorms. The submission deadline is July 1, 2024. READ MORE
We encourage all members to parcipate in these excing opportunies and to help us recognize and celebrate
the exceponal work within our community. Your contribuons and involvement are vital to the success and ad-
vancement of our eld.
When a PET scan is just not enough!
Mediasnal staging is the cornerstone of lung cancer staging, especially in the absence of proven distant metastases.
Previous studies have shown that CT/radiographic criteria for mediasnal and hilar adenopathy excludes a substanal number of paents as con-
rmed by Endo Bronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiraon (EBUS TBNA). By the same token, the most accurate and reliable
method of staging/metastac disease, the PET scan, is not precise enough anymore either. Past studies showed that up to 7-8% of the paents
with PET- negave mediasnal and hilar adenopathy were found to have tumors.
New data now suggests that the impact of under or over-staging in a lung cancer diagnosis has signicant consequences in paents, as their care
plans are developed, involving surgical and non-surgical treatments for lung cancer, leading to poor outcomes.
The SEISMIC (1) study focuses on a large group of lung cancer paents, accounng for about one-third of all lung cancer paents with locally ad-
vanced adenocarcinoma requiring treatment based on their T3 -T4 and N2-N3 status. The implicaon is stage IIIA or IIIB disease, which aects the
decision of pursuing resecon and determining the potenal eld of radiaon. The treatment plan determined by the more accurate staging deter-
minaons leads to more favorable disease-free survival outcomes.
In the SEISMIC study 155 paents from seven dierent countries were studied in a single arm, prospecve study. These paents were suspected of
locally advanced disease, requiring invasive staging with EBUS TBNA aer a PET scan and before any chemotherapeuc or radiaon intervenon
could be administered. The primary endpoint of the study showed the signicant percentage of PET-negave paents/nodes that upon more accu-
rate staging with EBUS TBNA were found to be metastac. The study found that 37% of the paents had discrepancy in their PET and EBUS TBNA
results. Of the 37%, 12% had an EBUS TBNA posive result for metastasis while PET scans showed a negave result. Contralateral-N3 metastasis
was found in 7% of these paents with PET-negave scans leading to upstaging of cancer. EBUS TBNA results led to a clinically signicant change in
their treatment plan. Hence, these paents would have undergone treatments plans including radiaon therapy or surgical intervenon inaccurate
to their staging if based solely on the PET scan results, without the staging assessment of bronchoscopic EBUS TBNA.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Primary Business Address:
Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Editor-in-Chief WABIP
c/o Judy McConnell
200 Elizabeth St, 9N-957
Toronto, ON M5G 2C4 Canada
E-mail: newsleer@wabip.com
P A G E 18
Associate editor:
Dr. Ali Musani
Associate editor:
Dr. Sepmiu Murgu
Ali I. Musani MD, FCCP
Professor of Medicine and Surgery,
University of Colorado School of
Medicine, Denver
The standard guidelines recommend a PET scan as a metastac workup for locally invasive and unresectable adenocarcinoma of lung cancer,
however the growing evidence of PET-negave but EBUS TBNA-posive mediasnal and hilar nodes suggests that the me has come to re-
visit the guidelines and consider the necessity of ssue sampling for accurate staging of locally advanced and unresectable lung cancer and
appropriate treatment. The study also showed that EBUS TBNA idened less extensive involvement of mediasnal and hilar nodes than PET
in 25% of the paents. 20% of these paents were downs staged from N3 and N2 to N2 or N1 disease leading to tumor resecon. The post -
operave ssue analysis conrmed EBUS TBNA ndings in all paents.
The implicaons of ssue sampling/invasive staging of the mediasnal and hilar nodes are substanal in more accurate staging assessments
of locally invasive adenocarcinoma. Many large academic centers have already adopted the approach of ssue sampling regardless of PET
posivity, but naonal and internaonal standard of care guidelines have not adopted this necessary change.
A well-trained intervenonal pulmonologist, who is well versed in proper and systemac staging from N3 to N2 to N1 lymph nodes and ob-
taining samples from every lymph node above 6-7 mm in size, oers the best hope for proper staging and treatment of lung cancer. Merely,
scking a needle in a couple of large mediasnal lymph nodesis not accurate or reliable lung cancer staging. CT criteria of 1 cm or even
8mm for adenopathy is not acceptable anymore. A systemac approach with a lung cancer staging algorithm, regardless of PET avidity,
should be performed when there is a mediasnal or hilar adenopathy based on ultrasound criteria.
1. Steinfort D et al: Lancet Respir Med . 2024 Jun;12(6):467-475.
P A G E 19
The WABIP has started a new educaon project recently: THE WABIP ACADEMY. The WABIP Academy will pro-
vide free online webcasts with new and hot topics that will interest pulmonologists and intervenonalists.
Current webcast topic: Tissue acquision for biomarker directed therapy of NSCLC
You can reach these webcasts by using this link: hp://www.wabipacademy.com/webcast/
www.bronchology.com Home of the Journal of Bronchology
www.bronchoscopy.org Internaonal educaonal website for
bronchoscopy training with u-tube and
facebook interfaces, numerous teachiing
videos, and step by step tesng and assess
ment tools
www.aabronchology.org American Associaon for Bronchology and I
ntervenonal Pulmonology (AABIP)
www.eabip.org European Associaon for Bronchology and
Intervenonal Pulmonology
www.chestnet.org Intervenonal Chest/Diagnosc Procedures (IC/DP)
www.thoracic.org American Thoracic Society
www.ctsnet.org The leading online resource of educaonal and
scienc research informaon for cardiothoracic
www.jrs.or.jp The Japanese Respirology Society
Asociación Sudamericana de Endoscopía Respiratoria
P A G E 20