P A G E 3
For the tenth consecuve year, WABIP connues its tradion of
providing reduced subscripon rates for its ocial journals: Respi-
rology, Respiraon, and the Journal of Bronchology and Interven-
onal Pulmonology, supporng its Members with the opportunity
for connuous updates.
WABIP programs were made possible by the generosity and
seless cooperaon of specialists from a variety of naons who
trained themselves as instructors and volunteered their me,
eort, and knowledge in various communies. WABIP knows that
to ensure internaonal cooperaon is equitable, sustainable, and
respecul of the dignity and rights of individuals and communies,
it must be based on ethical values. To ensure the fundamental
ethical principles of the autonomy of individuals and communies,
WABIP is a truly democrac organizaon in which each member
country has a representave (Regent) whose vote carries the same
weight regardless of the country's size, populaon, level of bron-
chology development, or economic strength. In this way, WABIP
aempts to ensure that collaboraon is founded on partnerships
that are equitable and respecul of the needs and ambions of the
communies concerned, and not on imbalances of power.
Since the creaon of WABIP, a lot has been done, but much sll
needs to be done. We must prepare for the future that is just
around the bend. Due to developments in technology, changes in
healthcare delivery, and evolving societal needs, the future of med-
ical educaon is likely to undergo substanal transformaons. We
may need to include training in arcial intelligence, telemedicine,
and other technologies to equip our medical community for the
digital healthcare environment.
With the reorganizaon of the "Social Media Commiee," now
renamed "Media Commiee," we will try to give further visibility to
our Associaon, with the aim of involving an increasing number of
colleagues and member countries.
New webinars on the dierent aspects of Intervenonal Pulmonol-
ogy and new documents on the standardizaon of procedures are
in the pipeline, as well as the creaon of interest groups in which it
will be possible to exchange experiences and opinions on individual
cases or procedures.
WABIP must increasingly become a global community, driven and
dominated by the passion for Intervenonal Pulmonology and love
for paents suering from respiratory diseases. In spite of the fact
that Intervenonal Pulmonology is a eld that is highly dependent
on technological advancements, we must never forget that we are
human doctors who deal with human paents, make decisions,
provide human care, and preserve the rights of paents.
WABIP is well-prepared for the educaon of the future, being fa-
miliar with the most recent technological advances while at the
same me maintaining a tradion of educaonal philosophy that
will t the needs of medical educaon in the coming decades,
which will increasingly emphasize paent-centered care, making
and passion of Dr. Ali Musani. IPI aims to collaborate
with countries that have large or public private Hospital
via local WABIP members to oer Intervenonal Pulmo-
nology training and related service in the region. The IPI
will oer well-designed fellowship training with WABIP
faculty available on site for 2-4 weeks at a me with
volunteers covering the enre years. Aer training com-
pleon, the fellows will receive a cercate issued by the
WABIP and will be able to start their own program in
their Country, train more people and open more center
in the region.
Recently, substanal changes have been made to the
bylaws with the approval of the Board of Regents. Parc-
ularly, to increase parcipaon and involve the leader-
ship of WABIP in the decision-making processes, the
Chairs of the main Commiees (Educaon, Finance, and
Membership) and the Editor of the Newsleer have been
included in the Execuve Board. The restructuring of the
Execuve Board reects WABIP's commitment to staying
at the forefront of Intervenonal Pulmonology and en-
hancing the organizaon's ability to serve its Members
and promote its mission of improving paent care world-
The Execuve Board's primary responsibility is to ensure
that all WABIP acvies are designed and implemented
with cultural sensivity and respect for diversity, taking
into account the cultural values, beliefs, and tradions of
the communies involved. No educaon can be eecve
if it does not respect and safeguard the rights and dignity
of individuals and communies, including their cultural
history and identy.
WABIP Newsleer, thanks to the wonderful and great
commitment of Kazuhiro Yasufuku, serves as a vehicle
for updates, publishing in each issue a synthesis of the
newest technologies in Intervenonal Pulmonology and
praccal ps and suggesons from experts. Newsleers
are sent to more than 7,500 recipients and read online
by about 2,000 colleagues.
One of the purposes of WABIP, as a scienc associaon,
is also to propose documents and guidelines for the
standardizaon of procedures. In the past, a complete
guideline for the acquision and preparaon of conven-
onal and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbron-
chial needle aspiraon specimens was published
(Respiraon 2014; 88: 500-517). A document on
"Proposed quality indicators and recommended standard
reporng items for EBUS bronchoscopy performance"
has been prepared by a group of colleagues, under the
guidance of Daniel Steinfort, and is ready for publicaon.
A document on airway stenng is ongoing and will be
ready soon.