Editorial: 21st WCBIP 2020 at a Glance
WABIP Newsletter
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 V O L U M E 9 , I S S U E 1
Hideo Saka, MD
Japan, Chair
Stefano Gasparini,
Italy, Vice-Chair
Silvia Quadrelli, MD
Argenna, Immediate
David Fielding MD
Australia, Treasurer
Naofumi Shinagawa,
Secretary General
Philippe Astoul, MD
France, President
WCBIP 2022
Menaldi Rasmin, MD
Indonesia, President
WCBIP 2024
Michael Mendoza
General Manager
Judy McConnell
Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Newsleer Editor-in-
P A G E 2
Guangfa Wang MD
Beijing, China
President WCBIP 2020
We are pleased to report that the 21st congress
and the rst virtual congress of the WABIP was an
astounding success. This 2 ½ day event was com-
prised of world class presentaons by IP experts
from North America, South America, Europe, Africa,
Oceania and Asia.
In the evening of Nov 19, 2020 (Beijing me), the
opening ceremony began with a brief introducon
video on history of intervenonal pulmonology, to
its phenomenal growth, and to the current state of
the WABIP with nearly 10,000 members worldwide.
The ceremony also highlighted the rapid develop-
ment of IP in China. Myself, the president of WCBIP
2020, underscored the complexies organizing this
event, especially during the age of COVID-19. Also
in the ceremony were leaders from Chinese Thorac-
ic Society, Chinese Endoscopist Associaon, Chi-
nese Medical Associaon and China Naonal
Health Commission. They expressed their sincerest
gratude and warm congratulaon on the con-
gress, and especially to our colleagues ghng
against COVID-19. Last but not least, WABIP Chair
Prof. Silvia Quadrelli gave a wonderful presentaon
on the WABIP, and announced the WABIP Awards
recognizing those with signicant contribuons to
bronchology and intervenonal pulmonology.
The total number of registrants is 13,240 from 72
countries and regions, and the total visits to the
congress is 162,177. The most viewed session was
“Intervenonal pulmonology in the pandemic of
COVID-19”, which had 32,613 total viewers. And
ed for 2nd most popular sessions were “the Chal-
lenges of COVID-19 pandemic to Intervenonal
Pulmonologists” by myself and “Clinical Ulity of
Ultrathin Bronchoscopes” by Dr. Masahide Oki
from Japan.
While COVID-19 was indeed a hot topic of the con-
gress, lung cancer remained one of the main focus-
es of the event. Many topics and discussions were
related to early diagnosis, precision staging, genec
or pathologic technologies and intervenonal therapies.
Early lung cancer therapies with PDT, microwave, radiofre-
quency or cryotherapy aroused great interest from the audi-
ences. These novel technologies might be the standard ther-
apies to lung cancer tomorrow. Addionally, the interven-
onal therapies aracted great aenon to the aendees
either on dierent modalies, complicaons, long term out-
comes and peri-procedure care. Stem cell and gene therapy
on COPD were also discussed on the congress. The congress
also covered other technologies or elds in bronchology and
intervenonal pulmonology such as benign or malignant air-
way stenosis, cryobiopsy, thoracoscopy, trans-vascular or
trans thoracic modalies and IP educaon. Suce to say,
WCBIP 2020 oered a full spectrum of topics on bronchology
and intervenonal pulmonology.
Lastly, we are pleased to have had a closing ceremony
aracng thousands of audiences globally. The ceremony
began with “Forbearance with Bronchoscopy A Review of
Gratuitous Indicaons”, a presentaon by Dr. Atul Mehta,
which highlighted the boundary of bronchoscopy procedures
and reminded us these technologies should be not be used
for gratuitous indicaons. Addionally, organizing commiee
member Dr. Jie Zhang announced 5 best oral winners and 10
best poster winners for their excellent presentaons based
on the scoring of session chairs. I gave a summary of the con-
gress, emphasizing parcipaon of 256 conrmed speakers
who conducted 398 speeches in 125 academic sessions. Only
3 speakers were absent from the congress. Among 50 oral
presentaons, only four were absent.
Also in the closing ceremony, the new chair of WABIP, Dr.
Hideo Saka, had armed the success of the congress and
expressed his gratude to all involved. He also noted some
improvement in the future WCBIPs. Last but not least, as per
tradion in all WCBIP closing ceremonies, the WABIP ag was
transferred (but virtually this me) to Dr. Philippe Astoul who
will be organizing the next WCBIP in 2022 in Marseille,
In conclusion, the congress created a milestone for WABIP
with the above menoned number of parcipants, sessions,
and over 25 company sponsors, and 17 industry symposia
and workshops. But there is no mistaking that we owe the
success of this congress to you and WABIP members who
submied over 600 abstracts and parcipated in our many
oerings. It has been my honor and pleasure to be the 21st
President of the WCBIP. Let us take sasfacon in the suc-
cess of WCBIP 2020, while we look forward to WCBIP Mar-
seille and having another wonderful scienc event .