da that allow all the aendees to
create new friendship, learn in
the most smulang way and
know the history and the past
and present of one of the most
famous medical instuons in
the world.
We are sure that all the Congress
aendees share the same gra-
tude the WABIP-WCBE leader-
ship expresses for such a suc-
cessful conference and such a
fantasc opportunity to meet
our colleagues all over the world
bringing back home the warmest
memories and a renewed enthu-
siasm to keep on working for the
development of bronchoscopy in
each one of our countries.
Silvia Quadrelli, MD
Buenos Aires, Argenna
Vice-chair, WABIP
Every other year, the World Con-
gress Joint Meeng of the World
Associaon for Bronchology and
Intervenonal Pulmonology
(WABIP) & The Internaonal
Bronchoesophagological Society
(IBES) 2018 provides internaonal
parcipants unmatched opportu-
nies to exchange scienc ideas
& research in bronchology and
intervenonal pulmonology. This
World Congress is a unique forum
for physician’s, new technology
developers, academic researchers
and end users to share the latest
advances in bronchoscopy tech-
niques and their applicaons in
human health.
This year, the 20th WCBIP/WCBE
World Congress WABIP & IBES
has been held in Rochester, MN
US in June 13-16, 2018 and has
not been the excepon of this
long tradion of academic ex-
change. Experts from all over the
world discussed during 3 days
wide topics from the role of new
technologies (like cryobiopsy,
thermoplasty, endoscopic ultra-
sound) to the management of the
most relevant tracheal, bronchial
and pulmonary parenchymal dis-
eases. Tracheoesophageal stulas,
lung cancer, obstrucve lung dis-
ease, lung nodules, intersal
lung diseases or tuberculosis were
studied from the perspecve of
dierent countries and bringing
management opons for the
dierent contexts and the dier-
ent availability of technology. Di-
dacc lectures, interacve ses-
sions and expert panel discussions
allowed to discuss the newest
ndings in airway diseases. Hands
-on workshops gave the oppor-
tunity to pracce the dierent
intervenonal procedures guided
by experts in bronchoscopy edu-
The excellent conference venue
oered by the Mayo Civic Centre
was the perfect scenario for this
internaonal conference. The am-
ple and comfortable facilies, ide-
al for educaonally focused
events as our World Congress cre-
ated a wonderful ambiance to
exchange ideas, discuss scienc
trends, and explore soluons to
the old and new challenges in
The 20
WCBIP Congress Presi-
dent (Eric Edell) and the WCBE
President (Dr. Jan Kasperbauer)
did a wonderful job that sur-
passed all the expectaons. A
complete and varied academic
program, an outstanding organi-
zaon and a fabulous social agen-
Guest Opinion/Editorial
WABIP Newsletter
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 V O L U M E 6 , I S S U E 3
Silvia Quadrelli MD
Buenos Aires,
Argenna, Chair
Hideo Saka MD
Nagoya, Japan,
Zsolt Papai MD
Hungary, Immediate
David Fielding MD
Brisbane Australia,
Guangfa Wang MD
Beijing, China,
President WCBIP 2020
Philip Astoul, MD
Marseille, France,
President WCBIP 2022
Michael Mendoza
General Manager
Judy McConnell
Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Newsleer Editor-in-
P A G E 2
World Congress Joint Meeng of the World Associaon for Bronchology and
Intervenonal Pulmonology (WABIP) & The Internaonal
Bronchoesophagological Society (IBES) 2018