The WABIP-Dumon Award
The WABIP-Dumon Award began as an award of the Japanese Society for Interventional Pulmonology. Since 2007, four individuals have received the award. In 2013, it was adopted by the WABIP and renamed the WABIP-Dumon award to recognize those individuals who have generously devoted their careers to enhancing others’ technical skills in rigid bronchoscopy and improving knowledge and understanding of central airway obstruction. The WABIP-Dumon award is given at the biennial World Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WCBIP).

Prior Recipients of the WABIP-Dumon Award:

  • John Beamis (2007), Henri Colt (2008), Hermann Tonn (2009), Heinrich Becker (2010), Jean-Michel Vergnon (2014), Masahide Oki (2016), Pablo Diaz (2018), Herve Dutau (2020), Septimiu Murgu (2022), Jamalul Azizi Bin Abdul Rahaman (2024)

Nomination Submission Deadline:

  • July 1, 2024

Application Submission Deadline (for persons nominated):

  • July 14, 2024

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate must have at least one nomination from a peer or self. The nomination form may be found below.
  • Candidate must be an accomplished bronchologist with noted track record of publications, teaching, workshops, and clinical practice.
  • Candidate must have a career-long achievements consistent with Jean-Francois Dumon’s ability to inspire others, disseminate rigid bronchoscopic techniques and improve the knowledge and understanding of central airway obstruction.
  • Candidate must be a member of the WABIP in good standing.
  • Candidate must submit a completed application form (below) in addition to the following documents: a recent curriculum vitae, and one photograph of the candidate.

Judging Criteria:

  • Candidates will have their applications reviewed by the WABIP Awards committee.
  • Candidates will be evaluated based on THREE CRITERIA: (1) Ability to inspire others, disseminate technical skills in rigid bronchoscopy, and improve knowledge and understanding of central airway obstruction, (2) Impact of interventional bronchoscopy-related publications, training videos, workshops, and lectures, and (3) letters of support.

Description of the Award:

  • The award recipient will be officially recognized in the WCBIP/WCBE program, opening ceremony, and WABIP website.
  • Each award recipient will receive the specially designed medal and framed award certificate.


*Jean-Francois Dumon is recognized today as the “father” of interventional bronchoscopy. From his Centre Laser in Marseille, France, he generously hosted bronchoscopists from around the world. By providing observational and hands-on experiences to hundreds for almost thirty years, he rejuvenated the art and science of rigid bronchoscopy, laser resection, video-assisted airway imaging, and stent insertion. Those he inspired continue to disseminate innovative techniques for managing central airway obstruction to the benefit of their patients and society.

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