When: April 23 – 25, 2015
Where: Hesperia Tower Hotel in Barcelona, Spain
Program Director: Dr. Antoni Rosell (President of the 3rd ECBIP)
Scientific Programme – List of topics:
- Stents: XXV years from Dumon stent publication
- Ultrasonography: Endobronchial, transesophageal and transthoracic
- Science interaction: Open sessions with other academic disciplines
- Education: Optimal curriculum to become an IP
- Management: How to run/build a interventional pulmonology activities during the economical crisis
- Cryobiospy and diffuse interstitial disease
- Rigid bronchoscopy: learning, practicing and teaching
- New technologies in optics, reprocessing and imaging
- Virtual bronchoscopy: from simulators to navigators
- Ergometry in an endoscopy suite
- Safety and quality during bronchoscopy
- Laryngotracheal and tracheal stenosis
- Bronchoscopic management of indeterminate nodules in lung cancer screening programs: from diagnoses to treatment
- Update in endoscopic volume reduction in emphysema and thermoplasty
- Air-leaks and fistulas
- Pediatric bronchoscopy
- Medical thoracoscopy, pleurodesis and pleural catheters
- Percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy and tracheotomy canulas
- Nursing in diagnostic and invasive endoscopic procedures
- Legal controversies in bronchosocpy