WABIP Conflict of Interest Policy and Rules
August 31, 2024


The World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology is a global organization dedicated to promoting the art and science of bronchology and interventional pulmonology. This goal warrants that the WABIP expands areas of interest, scope of practice, products and services beyond procedure-related medicine to also include radiology, otorhinolaryngology, thoracic surgery, oncology, infectious disease, global health, and radiation oncology.

Considering the engagement of such an international group of practitioners, it is essential that the WABIP maintain credibility and integrity. The WABIP is, therefore, dedicated to ensuring scientific independence and unbiased objectivity to its educational, scientific, and research activities by advocating appropriate disclosure of real, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest.

The WABIP Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy was designed to ensure transparency while protecting the integrity of individuals participating on WABIP taskforces, guidelines panels, writing committees or participating in other ways in the development and implementation of WABIP products or services. This policy thus provides a framework from which the WABIP and its COI Oversight Committee (COI-OC) might evaluate and manage disclosures that could be viewed as potential, real, or perceived conflicts.

  1. For purposes of the WABIP and the below COI Disclosure form, a COI is defined as any financial or other relationship with an entity that might have or be thought to have an effect on the participant’s judgment or conduct.
  2. In addition, a COI is defined as any relationship with an entity whose products or services are the focus of a WABIP-related activity, and where the entity’s products or services are in direct competition with those of the WABIP.
  3. Furthermore, a COI is defined for any participant with a financial interest or shared income (i.e spouse or family member) with a person or entity having a commercial interest in a related WABIP product or service.

This WABIP Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy applies to all WABIP members or staff who:

  • Serve on WABIP Board of Regents, Executive Board, Committees, Administration, or Taskforces
  • Submit to or make presentations in a WABIP-sponsored activity or publication.

Please note that disclosure of a real, potential or perceived COI helps protect the integrity of the interested party and activity. Once COI is disclosed, the WABIP will be able to evaluate its possible effect or influence on WABIP products and services. If warranted, and upon recommendation from the COI-OC, subjects may be asked by the WABIP Executive Board to refrain from participation in certain WABIP products or services.

This COI Disclosure Policy was approved by the WABIP Executive Board and accepted by the WABIP Board of Regents.


WABIP leaders are bound by COI rules according to their respective leadership levels during their term. Real or perceived COI changes depend on the level of leadership activities in the WABIP, and a person’s decision making or advisory function in other professional organizations.

RULES FOR LEVEL I LEADERS: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary General and Treasurer

  • No promotional activities (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Except for investments in mutual funds, no holdings in stocks of pharmaceutical companies or any other commercial entities (e.g. device manufacturers) that manufacture or sell products related to management of individuals with disorders addressed WABIP.
  • No investments in tobacco companies except for mutual funds.
  • Disclosure of any activities, investments, or employment of a spouse, domestic partner or minors living in the same household that may be affiliated with pharmaceutical companies or any other commercial entities (e.g. device manufacturers) that make or sell products related to management of individuals with disorders addressed by WABIP.
  • No service as chair of a decision-making committee, board member, or officer of any other national, regional or international medical or professional society that is not a member society of the WABIP (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • No service as editor-in-chief or associate editor or deputy editor of a medical journal except official WABIP Medical Journals or Journals of a Society that is a member society of the WABIP (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Activities as a member of any committee or taskforce of any other national, regional, or international medical or professional society must be disclosed.
  • No employment, consulting or advisory board activity for pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies, including WABIP sponsored focus groups, except as authorized by the WABIP’s decision making body on COI (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).

RULES FOR LEVEL II LEADERS: WCBIP President, WCBIP President-elect and Immediate past Chair of WABIP

  • No promotional activities (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Except for investments in mutual funds, no holdings in stocks of pharmaceutical companies or any other commercial entities (e.g. device manufacturers) that manufacture or sell products related to management of individuals with disorders addressed by WABIP.
  • No investments in stocks of tobacco companies except for mutual funds.
  • No service as officer of another national, regional or international medical or professional society that is not a member society of the WABIP (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • No service as chair of a decision-making committee of any other national or international medical or professional society, except for limited exceptions as authorized by the WABIP's decision-making body on COI. Serving as a committee member is permissible (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Activities as a member of any committee or taskforce of any other national, regional, or international medical or professional society must be disclosed.
  • Activities as editor-in-chief or associate or deputy editor of a medical or professional journal must be disclosed.

RULES FOR LEVEL III LEADERS: Members of the Board of Regents who are Member Society representatives

  • Except for investments in mutual funds, no holdings in stocks of pharmaceutical companies or any other commercial entities (e.g. device manufacturers) that manufacture or sell products related to management of individuals with disorders addressed by WABIP.
  • No investments in stocks of tobacco companies except for mutual funds.
  • No service as officer of another national, regional or international medical or professional society that is not a member society of the WABIP (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • No service as chair of a decision-making committee of any other national or international medical or professional society, except for limited exceptions as authorized by the WABIP's decision-making body on COI. Serving as a committee member is permissible (see POINTS OF CLARIFICATION section below).
  • Activities as a member of any committee or taskforce of any other national, regional, or international medical or professional society must be disclosed.
  • Activities as editor-in-chief or associate or deputy editor of a medical or professional journal must be disclosed.

RULES FOR LEVEL IV LEADERS: Members of WABIP committees, Taskforces, Workgroups, Section Editors, Associate Editors and other leadership positions of the WABIP Academy or WABIP Newsletter.

  • Must disclose any potential COI and recuse themselves from discussions when appropriate
  • Persons working on a WABIP-sponsored activity must submit a current COI disclosure form before, and sometimes, during the activity.


  • Date of implementation of these COI rules: August 31, 2024.
  • Adopted policy will be available publicly.
  • Any clarifications of a COI should be submitted in writing to the COI committee for review and determination.
  • Appeal to the decision of the COI oversight committee will be referred, if necessary, to a special COI Appeals Committee consisting of FOUR MEMBERS: (1) The Chair of the COI Committee (serves as Chair), (2) A Member of the Executive Committee, (3) A member of the WABIP Board of Regents who is designated by the BOR and serves as liaison to the Board of Regents, and (4) a member of the WABIP Board of Regents who is designated by the Chair of WABIP. A Super majority (3/4) is required to reach a decision by this Appeals Committee. All decisions will be binding.
  • The Conflict of Interest Policy, Rules and Disclosure document will be made available online for all WABIP leaders and members.
  • Committee and taskforce chairs should begin every meeting (both remotely and in person) by asking whether anyone has a new COI to disclose, including any COI related to a matter on the meeting agenda.


  • Promotional activities are defined as those intended to enhance the image, well-being, stature or popularity of a product or commercial entity. Promotional activities may or may not be remunerated. Examples include, but are not limited to, serving as a spokesperson or on a speaker’s bureau for a pharmaceutical company or medical device company, using a commercial entitys audiovisual materials, or public endorsements of products.
  • The restrictions on service for other professional medical societies are intended to avoid risk or perception of conflicting loyalties that could impair the WABIP and its best interests. These restrictions apply to national, regional, and international entities with interests that compete with WABIP activities. They do not limit a leader’s participation in local and state medical and professional societies or in hospital management, or in regional, national, or international societies that are member societies of the WABIP. Individual exemptions to these restrictions will be decided by the COI-OC and decisions may be reconsidered upon formal appeal.
  • The restriction on work for pharmaceutical and medical device companies might limit a leader’s participation as a content expert for a company. Leaders who believe that their work for a company would not create an actual or perceived conflict of interest may seek formal authorization for an exception from the COI-OC.
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