WABIP Newsletter (2018, Issue 1) Released!

With the first issue of the new year, we are pleased to present to you our most in-depth WABIP Newsletter to date. Follow any of the below images or links to READ MORE.

European Standardization Prospective for Training
(Guest Editorial by Lorenzo Corbetta, MD) Interventional Pulmonology is experiencing a rapid evolution of new technologies. Several international projects are developing standardized training programs, capable of establishing an Ultra Specialty discipline (beyond pulmonary and critical care fellowships, to be organized jointly with volume expert centres) with validated metrics…

Robotics in Thoracic Surgery: Myths and Realities
(Technology Corner) Introduction: Robotic Thoracic Surgery has emerged as the most advanced platorm for minimally invasive access to the
chest …

Airway Complications After Lung Transplantation
(Tips from the Experts: Michael Machuzak, MD & Laura Frye, MD) Lung transplantation presents a unique challenge when compared to other transplanted organs for a variety of reason …

Proyecto Horizonte
(Humanitarian News) “Proyecto Horizonte” is an initiative between the World Bronchology Foundation and SEPAR Solidaria …

Bronchoscopy Education Project Activity in Serbia
(Education & Training) In September 2017, Dr. Henri Colt, with Doctors Maria Simon and Mihai Olteanu …

New Board of Regents Members, Call for WABIP Vice-Chair Nominations, 2024 WCBIP Host Applications …

Biodegradable and Drug Eluting Airway Stents: It’s like a tailored suit, just for you
(Research) Ideal airway stents have been a topic of every major Interventional Pulmonology discussion …

Upcoming Events
IP National Update 2018; Faculty Development Program; Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Workshop …

And much more! You can also read the entire issue in PDF format:

A true online publication that can be accessed across multiple devices including tablets and smart phones, the WABIP Newsletter strives to bring you the latest on bronchology and interventional pulmonary clinical practice, research, and education.

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World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
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1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan

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