Subscribe to Respiration and/or JOBIP

This is a reminder that WABIP members may take advantage of the reduced subscription rates for any one of our official journals. Please note that in order to sign up for these exclusive offers, logging into our website is required.


€110 EUR / $135 USD for an annual, online-only subscription. WABIP members may find the subscription form via the members-only area of our website here (log in required).

雑誌「Respiration」は、 WABIP会員には年間110ユーロ/135 米ドルのUSDの割引料金で利用可能です。購読を始めるには、WABIPのウェブサイトでログインし、マイページにあるRespiration購読のリンクから登録出来ます。

Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology

$35 USD for an annual, online-only subscription.
WABIP members may find the subscription form via the members-only area of our website here (log in required).

雑誌「Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology」は、WABIP会員には年間割引料金35米ドルで利用可能です。購読を始めるには、WABIPのウェブサイトでログインし、マイページにあるJOBIP購読のリンクから登録出来ます

Each and every WABIP member has his or her own login details for accessing the “members-only” area of our website. Feel free to contact us if you would like technical support in logging into our website.

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